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Thanks also to...
Alain Brion, Excalibur - Alexandra Clista - Dawn Jorgensen, The incidental Tourist - Alice Arutkin, Arthur Arutkin, Camille Juban, Francisco Woget & Francisco Goya, Champions Water Sport - André le Chevillier, The Book - Anna Dabroska, Joey Skibel & Vendula Caticova, Photographers - Anne Le Borgne & David, Pour Le Plaisir De Lire - Anne Rouvin, Akademy - Chistophe Delaporte, Mister Free Spirit - Christophe Patte, Mathis Patte, Stéphane Patte, Patrick Duflos, Dimitri Walgenwitz, Robin Riblet, Tom Riblet, Rieu Lena, Mary Poney & Juliette Narbone, Beach Volley Teams - Chrystele Saint-Louis Augustin, Soul sister - David Henrion, Last Minute Call - Eric ,Theo Thouin & Family, BMX Briochin - Ernesto Senatore & Roberto Postiglione, All About Music, Music on, Ibiza Global Radio - Esther Garcia, Photographer - Fabrice Nabucet, Le brother du Poitou - Franck Desforges, Medecine man - Francois Xavier Le Sann, Traductions - Fritz Breytenbach, Simon Ngwemya, Rudi Venter & Courtney Steyn, Guides Afrique du sud - Garry Piéto, Art-Emis - Hannes Horn, Sword maker - Hans De Raeymacker, Great spirit - Issa Elle, La Graine Dorée , Connected Spirit - Jaouen Salaun, Eternum - Jason Murphy, Cosmic brother - Kéo Amaja & Kazy Bingy, Massavana - Khao Sok Jungalows - Roland le Guigo, La course de la baie - Larry Vickers, La Légende - Laurent Morin, Frère de Lait - Laurent Wicard, Video - Lorinda Hern, Rhino Rescue - Marie Ho, Sweet Heart - Matilda Buksbom, Karim Voisin, Julien Cuenot & Gérald Casey, Dream team Amnesty International - Matthieu Pini, Mister video - Megaron Warà Txucarramae, Matsi, Maya, Kamikia Trumai Sudja, Kanato Yawalapiti & Edson Santini, Instituto Raoni - Mickaëll Robillard, Muzoterik AMK - Monica E Cordova, Sister - Pascal Hidrio, La Vaillante - Philippe Renaud, Armor Volley - Silvia Bozzone, Heart Spirit - Stevee Nyatepe & Elsa Péhe, Ibiza Riseup - Steven Francis & Hansel Gonzales, DFMP music - Thierry dubois, Captain Fracasse - Werner Maritz, Russel Mc Laughin & Brent Leo Smith, Wildlife Filmmakers - Xavier Moulin, Neon Enseigne.